Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Banquet Meals

My professional husband evaluation: Men and women are different.  Different people are different. I'm different from Emily. How did I come with that profound conclusion you may be asking yourself.  Well, let me tell you.

Well like Emily recently posted, we both deal with situations differently  Whenever Emily has an excessive amount of mosquito bites, she will take a great deal of effort to heal herself and work towards healthiness.  While I on the other hand will throw away any kind of advice to not scratch them and itch away till the blood reigns king (graphic).  I will never put any kind of bug spray on myself.  I will not buy Benedryl.  I will not put anti-itch cream on it.  That's not how I roll.  This could also be could because I am very cheap.  Stingy.  Frugal.  Economically savvy.  Whatever you want to call it.  This leads me to another way Emily and I are very different.

Banquet meals.  Yes, banquet meals.  Shall I say it again? Banquet meals.  If you don't know what banquet meals are, then you are probably more like Emily than I am in this area.  Banquet meals can be purchased at Food Lion, Harris Teeter, Kroger, Walmart and even at your local Dollar Tree (yes, the dollar tree.) I prefer to buy them at Walmart because they are 88 cents there.  They are a decently satisfying microwavable meal that will keep the money in your pocket while killing you in the process, and I love them.  Yes, I love them so much that I spent all summer eating them for lunch and dinner.  I didn't eat them for breakfast because I didn't eat breakfast.  If I happened to eat breakfast, it was filled with banquet deliciousness.  But for some reason, Emily doesn't like me eating banquet meals.  Even more so, she doesn't like eating them.  This leads us to difference number dos.  Emily and I have very different eating habits.  I would love to spend our marriage eating banquet meals, easy mac, totino's pizza and little microwavable chimichangas.  While, Emily on the other hand would prefer to buy fresh vegetables, fruits, meats, and your occasional Smart Choice frozen meals.  This has led to a great dilemma in the Lee family.  But of course, no banquet meals are found in our camper's freezer.  No Totino's pizzas are present here.  None of my favorite chimichangas are heating in the microwave.  The reason for this is not because I have given up these great foods to satisfy Emily.  It is because I want to grow old.  I don't want to die at 35 from a heart attack.  I don't like high cholesterol.  I want to have children and see them go to college and get married.  I want to be married to Emily for 60+ years.  And I know banquet meals will stand in my way.

So, what I am trying to say is Emily and I are different. And its a great thing.  It's a life saving thing.  Without our differences, who knows where I'll be.  I love my wife.  Cheese.


1 comment:

  1. This post made my day! Jin, you are a great blogger!!!!
