Friday, July 29, 2011

concrete jungle where dreams are made, oh

New York City. We love you. Yesterday we took the official Newburgh/New York City North KOA Big Apple Tour. We left the campground at 7:30 AM and returned around 7:30 PM. It was a great day! 

After one episode of Bones and a quick nap, we drove through the Lincoln Tunnel into New York City. So our first stop was the Statue of Liberty. We took a ferry out to "Liberty Island" and walked around at the base of the Statue of Liberty. It was really cool reading about the construction of the statue and what was going on during that time period. Then we got back on the ferry which stopped at Ellis Island but we didn't have time to get off. But, after reading about it we really want to go back there. 

After a break for lunch our tour guide drove us around the city and shared different facts with us. I usually hate tours but this was really cool. He told us some really random things about the city that you wouldn't know visiting by yourself. 

Then we visited the Empire State Building. I couldn't help thinking about two of my favorite movies. Here's a tribute.

there we go....

first try

The view

I'm high in the sky.

 Then we went to Times Square. Bought a $3 hot dog that we were warned not to eat (something about violent diarrhea?? but we risked it. so far so good...) and got back on the bus to go home.

See you soon, NYC!


  1. FLASHBACK: being pulled out of class in 7th grade and going to new york for the first time with our moms. seeing les mis on broadway first row and the understudy for annie get your gun (oh yeah, i still remember her name - karen quackenbush - i couldn't forget that). haggling with chinese salesmen in soho for fake bags, wish i still had that boxy old kate spade. what a great trip. we've grown up a lot since then. btw em, i love your blog i read it like all the time. i'm glad you're having such a great adventure as a newlywed!!! -Caroline

  2. haha yes!! the whole day I was telling Jin about our trip. Such good memories! So good to hear from you! :)
