Ok I am actually embarrassed to blog again...its been a MONTH since I got on here. Wow. But seriously the last month has flown by! We had Columbus Day weekend which is a big weekend here at the KOA. We had lots of fun activities and a long weekend due to everything being closed on Monday. Fun fact: Texas doesn't celebrate Columbus Day as a holiday anymore so I had no idea that most of the US gets out of school and work on this holiday. Just another thing I've learned while coming up with some kids trivia :)
The rest of October has been spent planning for our Haunted Halloween Fest. During the last three weekends of the season, the KOA has Halloween themed weekends and we are going all out! Most of my time has been spent working on the "Haunted Hospital". If you knew me as a child, then you know that I am NOT a huge fan of Halloween. I never watch scary movies, and I have NEVER been to a haunted house in my life. Confession: I never even watched Hocus Pocus all the way through until this year. And here I am planning a Haunted Hospital. Well, I have to tell you that I kind of like it. Its fun to be creative and think of crazy ways to scare people. But, I haven't gone crazy or anything, so don't worry. I still refuse to watch Paranormal Activity 3.
This weekend is the last Halloween weekend and the last weekend that the Newburgh KOA will be open this year. We will be spending the next few days packing up our camper and hitting the road early Sunday morning. It has been quite an experience living here in New York and I'm so thankful that we got the chance to do it. After 2 1/2 years of long distance dating, it has been so wonderful to be able to spend so much time together. We definitely needed this time away to begin our marriage. We have learned to live simply and just enjoy each other. We joke that we have been on the senior citizens tour but its kind of true! Our days off are in the middle of the work week so a couple of weeks ago we hung out with the retired crowd at the Niagara Falls Casino and had dinner at 4:30 at the Cracker Barrel. We were just disappointed we couldn't get a senior discount.
Speaking of days off, we have loved being able to travel in the middle of the week. Several weeks ago we went to Connecticut to see some great friends. We stopped in Mystic, CT and ate at the famous Mystic Pizza and got to see the drawbridge. The next week we went to Pennsylvania for the Global Aid Network volunteer packing event. That was so much fun, we got to catch up with some friends and pack oatmeal to be shipped overseas to hungry families. We also had Chick Fil A for the first time in months! So happy! Last week Cathleen from Summershine came to visit us and we went back to New York City for our final goodbye. We didn't get to go into the city as much as we thought we would but we enjoyed the three times we went. We had such a great time with Cathleen and we are excited about the future of the Summershine program at Newburgh KOA.
So yes, New York, its been wonderful. We have loved being able to travel and experience new places. We have loved the delicious apples and beautiful fall leaves. We have loved meeting all the families at the KOA. But Colorado, here we come!

This weekend is the last Halloween weekend and the last weekend that the Newburgh KOA will be open this year. We will be spending the next few days packing up our camper and hitting the road early Sunday morning. It has been quite an experience living here in New York and I'm so thankful that we got the chance to do it. After 2 1/2 years of long distance dating, it has been so wonderful to be able to spend so much time together. We definitely needed this time away to begin our marriage. We have learned to live simply and just enjoy each other. We joke that we have been on the senior citizens tour but its kind of true! Our days off are in the middle of the work week so a couple of weeks ago we hung out with the retired crowd at the Niagara Falls Casino and had dinner at 4:30 at the Cracker Barrel. We were just disappointed we couldn't get a senior discount.
Speaking of days off, we have loved being able to travel in the middle of the week. Several weeks ago we went to Connecticut to see some great friends. We stopped in Mystic, CT and ate at the famous Mystic Pizza and got to see the drawbridge. The next week we went to Pennsylvania for the Global Aid Network volunteer packing event. That was so much fun, we got to catch up with some friends and pack oatmeal to be shipped overseas to hungry families. We also had Chick Fil A for the first time in months! So happy! Last week Cathleen from Summershine came to visit us and we went back to New York City for our final goodbye. We didn't get to go into the city as much as we thought we would but we enjoyed the three times we went. We had such a great time with Cathleen and we are excited about the future of the Summershine program at Newburgh KOA.
So yes, New York, its been wonderful. We have loved being able to travel and experience new places. We have loved the delicious apples and beautiful fall leaves. We have loved meeting all the families at the KOA. But Colorado, here we come!